If you’re a guy and you’re looking for a Weight Loss For Men workout or strategy, you’ve probably noticed that the Internet is literally flooded with so-called “experts” who all say the same things: Diet hard, do lots of cardio and, if you get the chance, do some weight training.

Guess what? This is all wrong.

Any good weight loss for men program should run the exact opposite way: Weight training (or resistance training) should be the cornerstone or foundation, not something that’s just thrown on top. That’s because men lose weight differently then women; they have a much higher testosterone level, which responds to resistance training instantly. And the sooner your muscles respond, the faster your body will start burning calories – even while you’re at rest.

Here’s A Super Easy Weight Loss For Men Resistance Program:

Pushups: Start by figuring out your one-set max (how many you can do at one time), divide this number by five and do this many reps. Then go straight into…

Squats: Don’t worry about weights if you don’t have any, as simply utilizing your lower body muscles is enough to get the blood flowing and the testosterone levels up. Do the same strategy as you did with pushups so you’ll know how many to perform per set. Do one set then go straight into…

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4844574


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